Growth Agriculture Pty Ltd began operations in 1992 and is a manufacturer and wholesaler of a unique range of products heavily focused on foliar nutrition and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in crop production.


The underlying beliefs behind Growth Agriculture is that:


    •  Agricultural production will continue to be a significant source of Australia’s income and culture.
    • Australian agricultural producers deserve the support of business partners and the community in general.
    • The agricultural sector will continue to require innovative methods of production to maintain its viability.


Sustainable and Environmentally acceptable agriculture practices are at the forefront of our philosophy.

Our aim is to develop and provide Products and Services which will enhance the production of food and fibre thus enabling primary producers to maintain viable enterprise whilst taking due care of the land and environment.


We will realise our philosophy and beliefs through the following objectives:

  • Source products and services that will enhance rural producers long term viability.
  •  Seek out products and services that will maintain or improve land management practices.
  •  Provide products and services that maintain or improve environmental standards within the agricultural sector.
  •  Be pro-active in seeking out and developing innovations that will aid in environmentally acceptable agricultural productions.
  • Provide a vehicle for dissemination of information to the agricultural production sector.